Every once in a while I receive prophetic words from people, sometimes the words I receive don’t make sense at the time but I have learned to steward these in my heart. When Ps Simon Chua from Singapore in March 2017 said this to me, I was like Stan who??? I had no idea where this was and knew no one who knew anyone who was there. I later found out Kyrgyzstan is in Central Asia next to all the other Stan’s.
In July 2017 I was in Puebla Mexico on a missions trip, Ps Gabriel Borja mentioned he had done some work in Asia specifically Kyrgyzstan!! As we chatted I mentioned this Word and he immediately connected me to Ps. Ivan Kryukov. We eventually chatted and he invited me to come. I later googled and found it would cost a lot of money to go. When God speaks He will provide the resources and means to get you there!!
In March 2018 I was ministering in Singapore to a mission organization called ICM and a gentleman Pak Chee drove me back to the place where I stay, out of the blue he asked, would you like to go to Kyrgyzstan?? I said what? He said he travels there 2 times a year and wants to do a pastors conference with me next year, if I could get to Singapore he will get me the rest of the way. WOW!!!
This week I met with Pak Chee and Ps Michael Teh and we were talking about next year and potential ministry in the Anglican Churches in Singapore. I mentioned the Word I received and I had contacted Ps Ivan. Pak Chee said he had just met an Ivan but he was from Kazakhstan so we took our phones out and showed the pictures and sure enough they are the same man. Pak Chee said Ivan was in Singapore and he was having dinner with him the next day and invited me to meet him. Saturday night I met Ps Ivan & Helena and Ps Zarena, I’m excited for what God has done and will do in the future in these two nations. Ps Ivan is a senior pastor with 60 churches, a mission organization and a leadership training college under his care. God will always connect you to your purpose and His will, it’s His good pleasure. I’m not sure what Word your holding onto but keep holding on and believing that God is able and in the details of your life. He is faithful to watch over and perform His good Word to you.
Aug 1-3 – Josh joined me in Jakarta to attend the IFGF Annual Leaders Conference a gathering of over 1500 leaders, I was privileged to spend 2 days observing and sharing in the IFGF Apostolic meetings and ministering each day to a group of Pastors & business leaders. This will be a yearly event on my calendar going forward. Jason Prosser joined us at the conference and it was great to spend time with him as well.
Aug 3-4 – Josh and I flew to Jogja, Indonesia to be with IFGA Jogja this was a quick trip that included sightseeing, a leaders meeting and speaking on Sunday. After the Sunday service they ask if I would minister prophetically to various people. A lot of people came forward and it would be impossible for me to prophecy over everyone, I was delighted to see Josh step in and minister to about 30 young people, he was stretched and tired but I was a very proud dad!!
Aug 6-7 – Josh and I flew to Singapore Sunday night to spend a day and a half roaming the city. Singapore has become a second home for me so it was great to introduce Josh to this great city and a few people who have touched our lives.
Aug 13-20 – Sheila and I celebrate 33 years of Marriage on Aug 10th so we decided to take a vacation to Paris with our good friends Gilbert and Eileen Silva who were also celebrating their 33rd anniversary as well. Paris was magical and beautiful! We had such a great time laughing, walking, eating and sharing life together. Life is best when you share it with friends.
Aug 23-26 – A quick turnaround and we are back in Singapore with 2 churches, Zion Full Gospel AOG and Faith AOG. 6 meetings in 2 1/2 days. A packed schedule but a fruitful and productive one. Saturday night 5 young people gave their lives to Jesus!!! I also booked my first 2020 engagement! WOW! God is good.
In this wonderful adventure we have met so many generous people and visited some amazing places. A friend offered his Villa in Bali for a week and we decided to extend our anniversary celebration! God has been so good to us. Bali was amazing!!
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