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Speak Life Global Year End Ministry Update

Gary Heyes

We just finished our last ministry trip of 2019 at Believers Chapel in Cicero NY. We had a tremendous weekend, 7 people came to Jesus!!

This past year has been a tremendous year of ministry. We love what God is doing in the earth and the part we get to play. We believe these are the greatest days of the church and are believing that 2020 will be a tremendous year of clarity, watching people come into their purpose and promises being fulfilled. We believe many people and prodigals will come home to Jesus, churches will be strengthened and leaders encouraged.  

Here are some stats from this past year: 

We visited 46 CHURCHES this year. 

We visited 12 NATIONS, most more than once. 

Over 267 people gave their lives to JESUS  through our ministry. We were intentional in asking people to open their hearts to Jesus and He was faithful to draw people. Hallelujah!!! 


Many couples received their miracle this year and gave birth to their beautiful baby! 

SPEAK LIFE GLOBAL EQUIPPING SEMINARS This year we felt the Lord challenge us to begin to train and equip people in the prophetic rather than just prophesying over people.  We also wanted to begin to work with church leaders to raise up prophetic teams. This past year we have had 4556 people participate and be activated in our "HEARING GOD SEMINAR.” Our notes have been translated in Mandarin and soon to be in Indonesian!! So many great reports keep coming back to us of God speaking through people. We will be developing our second level MASTER CLASS in the next few weeks.

We also had the privilege of training and equipping 365 Pastors and Leaders in our "SERVANT LEADERSHIP SEMINAR. Over 12 hours of training and equipping with many of these pastors traveling 5-8 hours to attend. The level of passion and hunger was amazing!  


Thousands of church and business leaders received personal prophecy this year. Each week we receive reports of God answering and fulfilling His word in their lives. We are blessed to be a blessing.

2020 NEWS!

Our 2020 calendar is once again almost filled and we are grateful for the relationships we have who continue to invite us to come alongside them to strengthen their church and leaders. In late January, we will be spending a few days being equipped as a Natural Church Development Coach. We believe this will help us to continue to strengthen and build HIS church. This will allow us to come alongside churches to help assess, diagnose and strategize to make their church healthier. 


Gary's health is doing well. We have put some ministry and travel guidelines in place to maintain a healthy lifestyle and schedule going forward. Gary has lost 23 lbs so far and continues to walk everyday. Our grandson Ethan Harry is such a joy. It has been wonderful to spend quality time with him each day - we love Him. Sheila loves this season of travel and being a NANA. We are grateful for all your prayers and love for our family.

PRAYER FOR 2020: We are asking for prayer for the following areas: 1. Fresh Grace to minister to the nations God has opened to us. A few new nations are opening this year in Asia and we are excited for God fulfilling His prophetic promise.   2. Continued strength and healing for our bodies. We have now set in place ministry guidelines that address diet, exercise and scheduling. It has been well received and will help us continue to minister for a long time.  3. Financial provision and supply. Our reserves are low and we are believing to build that back up this coming year. We are also developing a few new initiatives that always require extra finances. Thank you for your continued prayer and support. All of these statistics above are part of your reward. We honour you for your faithfulness to sow into our ministry.  We wish you A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 


Every month, faithful churches and individuals partner with Speak Life Global by faithfully praying and supporting financially, for that we are very grateful! If you would like to become a  monthly partner or be a one time contributor please click Donate and follow the instructions, you will receive a tax receipt for your donation at the end of the year.

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