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July Ministry Update


Prophetic words are so important even still today as they give us a hope & promise to hold onto as we wait through our storms of life.  My husband and I received a prophetic word by Gary in March of 2017.  Little did Gary know that my husband was to be in court the very next day for false criminal accusations that were work related (he is a sergeant in a state prison).  Gary had spoken several things that day that reminded us of God’s promises to us:

1.  “You are known as a couple that will see promises in your life but also lead people into their promises”

2. “Even now the word of the Lord is coming to you- answers are on their way – the voices of delay will no longer be in your life”

3. “The hand of the Lord is on your lives to do valiantly – you will win, you will win, you will win, you will win, you will win!

The very next day the District Attorney dropped everything stating that there was no way my husband could have done what he was being accused of!  One win down!  The next step was an arbitration process to get his job back.  This process took a little over a year but we now have another win under our belts as my husband returned to work this week being found innocent of all accusations! He was 100% exonerated from all charges. He was fully reinstated to his position as sergeant. His seniority was fully reinstated AND the state was ordered to give him FULL BACK PAY from the day he was kicked out over 2 years ago. He will get all the vacation and sick time that he would have accrued for the past 2 years as well!  What a victory!  What a WIN! 

So many other building up, encouraging and comforting words were said in this prophetic word that helped me personally to know that God is very aware of each piece of our lives and working on our behalf all the time – we just need to stand firm in Him and hold on to the truth He speaks!  Because of the prophetic word, I have researched and learned so much about intercession and prayer as he spoke over me that I was a “warrior princess”.  I have since taken this very seriously and am expecting many more “wins” for my family and my church family!  We are so grateful God’s word is still alive today!


I found myself home for a few weeks and ministered at a few local churches in Ontario.

July 1 – It was great to reconnect with Ps Joe Sudirgo from Indonesian Christian Church. 

July 8 – I was also privileged to speak for Ps Matt & Lisa Tapley from Lakemount Worship Centre while they were serving on a missions trip in the Dominican Republic. Our friends of 30 years Paul & Janice Maines serve on the pastoral team so that made it even more special to be there. Lakemount is a great church! 


July 14-16 We spent the weekend at Rock Church with Ps Russ & Yanna Conway. They are in transition and switching their roles within the church. I’m so proud to call these guys friends, they have weathered a tremendous storm in their lives with such grace and confidence in God. Great days are ahead for them and Rock Church under the new senior leaders Ps Chris & Jen Ivany. 

This wonderful couple wanted to share a miracle blessing of prayer with me from my last visit to Rock. She’s so cute! God is Good! 


July 18-27 – FGYCYC is a dynamic youth ministry under FGA a large church in KL. Ps Jonathan & Pricilla Loh lead this growing ministry. What a great week to minister to many who were receiving prophetic ministry for the first time. God is always faithful to speak to His people who have hungry hearts. It’s a privilege to build His church and encourage His people. 


July 27-30 – Pillars in Christ is lead by Ps Raymond & Cindy Fernando. What a great church doing some incredible things in the arts and business community. They have become great friends in the ministry. It was a great weekend. 


A year ago in June 17, 2017 .. Gary prophesied over my life in one of my darkest moments because I had been wanting to have my third child after loosing my second to ectopic pregnancy and my work was a place of torment under a boss that wasn’t for me, although I tried my best to work. The prophesy was about how He saw God developing cadence in my life, and how God will bring about new changes in my life. He also mentioned he saw multiplication and how my husband and I were laughing on the sofa etc

I would like to confirm the prophesy! Two months later I got pregnant and the Lord begin to shift things quickly in my ministry and in my career as I decided to pursue real estate.

Now I have my third child, her name is Kara. I no longer struggle emotionally about child bearing and over in my work place. My cell group also broke through as well. I just want to thank you for bringing a light during the most hopeless moments in my life.

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