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November Ministry Update


Each week I receive emails from people whose path I’ve crossed where I have had a chance to share Gods thoughts with them. They share with me how things are happening in their lives since the words have been spoken. Here are a few to encourage you that “What God speaks over you He will bring it to pass!”

Dave –  The word given: “You will work with government officials and extend your influence..” Today he is sitting on the National Committee planning for the future economy for our nation and He is travelling with the ministers of state to different countries for trade and industrial matters.

Catherine – The word given: “I see you dealing with money.. managing money..” Her profession is in IT and she wondered about the word because she is not accountant or in finance but she honoured your ministry and decided to keep the word in her heart. Today she testified that her boss had given her the task to monitor the budget for their IT projects, God gave her discernment and wisdom to resolve some of the loopholes of their budgets where her predecessors could not handle. Her bigger boss has asked her to sit in the next meeting to talk about the flow of budget in their IT projects. So she is dealing with money now, with God’s favour and wisdom.

Charlie – The word given: “I see you having coffee with high powered people, people in high places” Last 2 weeks, Charlie had coffee in Korea with some of the top CIO, CEOs of big national banks and fund management houses, sharing with them on the outlook of the economy.

Jennifer – The word given: “There’s no one like you. God made you special ” She was timid, shy and not so confident about herself. But last week, she travelled to Taiwan by herself for 9 days and during the trip, God reminded her of what you had spoken over her, and she confidently testified that she is comfortable being who she is today.

2 Timothy 1:13 Allow the healing words you’ve heard from me to live in you and make them a model for life as your faith and love for the Anointed One grows even more. TPT

When God speaks His words heal and our faith and love for Him grows deeper.


Nov 4 – Grace Christian Fellowship Pastored by Micheal Albano invited me to their Young Adults retreat to speak life over the group. God is always faithful to know what we need, great reports were given. Ryan Hashimoto joined me for the evening, we always have a great time together.

Nov 5Stoney Creek Christian Fellowship Pastor Mike and Janie were away and I was honoured to speak to their church, they have been great partners with Speak Life from the beginning.


Nov 11 – City Life Church had a historic weekend as Pastor Lorne and Linda Lueck transitioned the church leadership to Justin & Heidi Lueck. Pastors Dave and Fran Hubbert led the charge by becoming the first Lead Pastors in 1961. Pastors Lorne and Linda have faithfully continued to move CLC forward as Lead Pastors since 1997.  Justin and Heidi will do a great job leading City Life into the future.  City Life is a great MFI church in Canada. I was honoured to play a small part in the weekend praying over Justin & Heidi. It’s wonderful to celebrate with great friends.


July 17-18 – It was wonderful to be back with Believers Chapel, they are a warm and welcoming community of believers, have a strong eldership and  their future is great. I was able to share in 2 services 1 person gave their heart to Jesus and many were ministered prophetically. I was also able to share with their prophetic community and elders. Jake Tyler-Smith joined me for the weekend as well. It was a fun two days of ministry, food and great conversation.


Nov 21-25 Osaka, Japan – Life Church Invited me to their annual leaders retreat to teach and minister on the prophetic and then minister at their church on the weekend, 4 people came to Jesus, that never gets old. Kelly Kaylor and her team have done a great job since Joel Kaylor passed away suddenly a few years ago. His legacy is going strong and God is touching His people in Osaka, Japan. This nation needs a revival and I believe God will certainly answer the cry of His people.

Nov 26-27 I was blessed to spend time with a few pastors and their teams over coffee or dinner. Lots of discussion about my future times coming to Japan.

Nov -28- 29 Hiroshima, Japan Ps Tsuji  from Jesus Fellowship in Hiroshima invited me to share with his congregation. I was also able to visit the site of where the atomic Bomb was dropped to end World War 2. It was somber and fascinating!


Joshua & Melissa are going to be parents in the new year!! Sheila and I are so excited that we get to be grandparents! This was such a wonderful surprise. 2019 is going to be a great year. Sheila will be travelling with me full-time and our family is growing.  God is good!!

Every month, faithful churches and individuals partner with Speak Life Canada by faithfully praying and supporting financially, for that I am very grateful! If you would like to become a  monthly partner or be a one time contributor please click Donate and follow the instructions, you will receive a tax receipt for your donation at the end of the year.

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